Transitional Doctor Of Physical Therapy (t-DPT)(One Year’s Program)

Over the past two decades, the professional practice in physical therapy has changed significantly and changes in the curriculum at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels have been incorporated in order to fulfill the current needs and demands. Moreover, the increasingly need for therapists to justify their practice patterns based on research evidence and to provide administrative expertise and leadership have been often associated with formal clinical skills as well. These were some of the reasons that physical therapy program was upgraded to 5-year clinical doctorate program. The institute has started one year additional course for those graduates who has already completed 4-years degree in physical therapy. This program allows these graduates to achieve similar level of expertise to graduates doing their 5-year clinical doctorate program. 

Objectives of the Program

The graduate of this program will be able to

  • Solve clinical problems based on evidence
  • Critically evaluate the current literature relevant to physical therapy
  • Effectively write and present issue related to field
  • Enhance research skills
  • Advocate effectively issue and problem associate with practice in physical therapy

Use skill required to be a lifelong independent learner.

Program Category: 

This program is taught at

Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Hayatabad, Peshawar