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Dr Hafsah Muhammad

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Hafsah Muhammad

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Post-Doctorate, PGD (Criminology), PGD (Public Health), CP-BRM

HEC approved Supervisor in MPhil and PhD Biological/Life Sciences

I am a forensic molecular biologist and geneticist, academician, researcher, an internationally certified professional in biorisk management and a biosafety/biosecurity consultant.

During my PhD research at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad and Cambridge University, UK, I worked on development of an internationally compatible DNA database of different ethnic groups of Pakistan using international tools of trade for forensic DNA casework including forensic DNA profiles and sequences from autosomes, mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome. I have extensive practical experience in forensic genetics having worked on numerous forensic DNA cases, including those related to paternity testing, missing persons, mass disaster victims’ identification and criminal investigations. Earlier, I worked in human disease genetics related research project during MPhil for which I was awarded with gold medal from QAU, Islamabad. My recent research is focused on human genomics and genetic analysis of different human traits as well as behavioral aspects of forensic significance, like aggression, violence and antisocial behavior. Some upcoming projects are about feasibility analysis on utility of different biomaterial and biomedical evidences in forensic casework and criminal investigations.

In this domain, my future approach is to contribute towards establishment of a provincial center of forensic research and services of international standard where experts from all sub-categories of forensic sciences can work in collaboration to build up a team which can provide services to the law enforcement agencies for forensic casework.

Further, since I joined KMU as Assistant Professor in 2017, I have been diligently working on improvement of biosafety practices at the institution. I provided my services and trainings in the area of Biorisk Management and Infection prevention and control (IPC) not only to my institute but to several other academic and research institutes across the country and healthcare facilities through the province. My services as a molecular biologist and Biosafety officer for the KP-Public Health Reference laboratory, KMU, before and during COVID-19 pandemic in upgradation to a high containment level laboratory and providing Biosafety and IPC trainings to the entire workforce of KP-PHRL have been widely appreciated. In this arena, I have ongoing experience of working with many reputed national and International organizations including Pakistan Biological Safety Association (where I served as Head of PBSA-KP Chapter), Fogarty International Center/NIH, USA; NIH Islamabad; WHO Pakistan office; UNODA, Geneva; International Federation of Biosafety Associations, Canada; Health Services Academy, Islamabad, Health Security Partners, USA, Association of Biorisk Management, Pakistan: Johns Hopkins University, USA; XiBios, Belgium; Safer-Behaviors, USA; Chrome Biorisk Management Intl USA; British Council, UK; Organization for Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD).

In the arena of Biorisk management, I am passionate to contribute significantly to built-up a strong and sustainable culture of biosafety and biosecurity at KMU and it’s all linked institutes as well as at all academic, research and healthcare institutes of KP in order to mitigate all kinds of biological threats in the region.

Contact: [email protected]