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Dr Saad Liaqat

Assistant Professor
Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Saad Liaqat

BDS, PhD (UCL, London, UK), CHPE (KMU, Pak)

HEC approved Supervisor in MPhil and PhD Dental Materials

I did my BDS from Khyber College of Dentistry Peshawar. I was one of the top students of my year. In final professional examination, I secured 3rd position in the whole Khyber Medical University Peshawar. After that I got my MPhil leading to PhD admission at the world-renowned university UCL. I did my PhD in Dental Biomaterials from the Department of Biomaterials and tissue engineering at UCL Eastman Dental Institute London, UK.

During my PhD degree I worked with leading biomaterials scientists at Biomaterials and Tissue engineering Centre at Eastman Dental Institute, UK. I worked on development of novel dental composite with potential to re-mineralize decayed dentine. Additionally, I worked towards anti-bacterial, and self-adhesive potential in the new novel dental composites. I also published several research papers in impact factor journals. During my time at Eastman Dental Institute, I supervised various MSc students in their research projects.

After returning to Pakistan, I worked at Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Biomedical Materials established at COMSATS University Lahore, Pakistan, followed by Khyber College of Dentistry Peshawar, Pakistan as an Assistant Professor. Currently I am working as an Assistant Professor, Khyber Medical University.

I am HEC approved supervisor for MPhil and PhD programs. I have supervised 10 MPhil Students. Currently, I am supervising 15 MPhil and 2 PhD students. I am also supervising MPhil / MDS Clinical and Dental material students from UHS, UOL, and PGMI Lahore. Beside supervision, I am actively involved in research. I have completed one NRPU, and one SGRP projects of HEC. I had almost 30 international and national research papers. I am also on the visiting faculty of university of health sciences, and COMSATS University, Lahore.

Beside academics, I am involved in several administrative activities’ member senate, syndicate, Khyber medical university, Peshawar, focal Person IBMS for Higher Education Commission regarding NOCs and start of new MPhil and PhD programs, member QEC MPhil/PhD program reviews and SARs, coordinator MPhil programs IBMS.

My current research centers on the development, and characterization of dental composites. My research focuses on various self-adhesive, re-mineralizing, and anti-bacterial materials, and their use in various biomaterials for clinical use. Development of various animal models that can be used as an alternate to human tissues. I am also interested in interface studies, and bonding between tooth surfaces, and restorations. The current research in Dental Materials ranges from development of novel biomaterials for dental soft and hard tissues.

We have developed state of the art characterization laboratory for dental biomaterials. That helped us in carrying out research and characterization of novel biomaterials. The characterization that is carried out includes, mechanical, chemical, physical, biological, in-vivo animal studies. With the help of ORIC, and KUBIC we have developed a startup company H-BIOMATE, registered with SECP Pakistan that will help us in collaborations with industries, and commercialization of biomaterials.


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