Title: Effects of drugs on blood          Code: BMS 755         Credit Hours: 2hrs


Lectures:    32





The overall aim of the course is to furnish the students with the core scientific knowledge of drugs their effects and side effects on blood and controversies about them.




After completion of this course the students of MPhil leading to PhD program will be able to:

1.     Discuss the basic principles of iron and vitamins replacement therapy.

2.     Enlist different types of coagulopathies,and discuss its management in detail.

3.     Enlist different classes of anti-thrombotics and discuss its pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics in detail.

4.     Classify antiplatelet agents and its management and complications.

5.     Discuss the types of anti-fibrinolytic agents, its indications for therapy.

6.     Discuss the management of hemorrhagic complications of anti coagulation agents.

7.     Explain in detail the agents used to treat haematological malignancies.



1.     Students should be able to identify the normal outcome of the treatment and well as the complications of the treatment.

2.     Students should be able to identify and interpret the lab. Tests.

3.     They should be able to differentiate between normal and abnormal reports for that specific age and sex, etc,

4.     Students should be able to identify the complications of the disease due to drugs.

5.     Students should have enough knowledge about all the drugs,indications and side effects.


After completion of this course, the students of MPhil leading to PhD program will be able to:

i.                   Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation

ii.                 Use Microsoft Word for writing assignments

iii.              Use Endnote/Reference Manager to cite published literature

iv.               Be able to explain disease system to scientific and non-scientific audience.                    


Replacement therapies

Types of anemias resulting from iron and vitamin deficiencies.

1, Classification of anemia.

2, Signs and symptoms of anemia.

3, Diagnostic tests

4,Appropriate treatment accordingly.

Route of administration.

Dose .

Drug/drug interaction.

Drug/ food interaction.


Failure of therapy.

Combination therapy.




Understanding and knowledge of different types of coagulation disorders.

1, Types of coagulation disorders.

2, Presenting symptoms.

3, Coagulation profile and factor assay etc,


Ffps :dosage.



Recombinant factors.

Transfusion reactions and risks.

Follow up investigations.




1, Heparin

2, Warfarin

3, FXa

4, Direct thrombin inhibitors



Site of Action




Side effects

Treatment of complications

Indications for LMWH and Unfractionated heparin and warfarin.





2, Clopidogrel





Representative agents



Contraindications sSide effects

Management of complications


Therapeutic uses




Anti-fibrinolytic agents

1, Amino caproic acid

2, fibrinogen

3,transemic acid






Management of complications


Route of administration

Tolerance,common side effects and complications.




2.Management Of Haemorrhagic Complications Of Anti Coagulation:

Intracranial haemorrhages

Causative agents:



Antiplatelet drugs

Direct thrombin inhibitors




Antidote for drugs

Surgical approach



Treatment and dosage



3. Agents Used To Treat Haematological Malignancies:

Myeloproliferative disorders





Pt. selection

MOA,side effects




DNA-methyl transferase inhibitors

Pt. selection

MOA,side effects






Multiple Myeloma

1.Chemotherapeutic agents


2.Targeted therapies

a.      Monoclonal antibodies

b.     Radioimmunotherapy

c.      Immunomodulatory drugs

d.     Proteosome inhibitors

:-Pt. selection

MOA,side effects

(additional haematological malignancies)


:-a, combination therapy,disease specific, side effects.

 b, new adjuvant therapy,side effects

c,MOA, side effects.

d,MOA, side effects.








4.                             Teaching and Learning Methods:


a.                  Lectures.

b.                 Presentations.

c.                  Assignments.


5.                 Student Assessment Methods


 a. Class Tests                               to assess continuous learning process.

           b. Terminal Examination                to assess learning out comes.

           c. Presentations                              to assess communication skills.

           d. Assignments                               to assess writing skills. 

          Assessment Schedule

          Assessment:  1      Class Test I                            Week:     5th week

Assessment:  2      Class Test II                          Week:    10th week

Assessment:  3      Presentations                         Week:7th week onwards

Assessment:  4      Assignments                           Week:10th weekonwards

Weighting of assessments

          Class assessment                                                            40%

          Terminal examination                                                     50%

          Oral examination                                                            0%

          Practical examination                                                     0%

          Semester work (presentations)                                        5%

          Other types of assessment (assignments)                         5%

          Total                                                                               100 %

          Any formative only assessments

6.                 Lists of references

a.                  Course notes:  Class lectures (PPT)

b.                 Essential books (text books): Postgraduate Haematology by Victor Hoffbrand, 5th edition

c.                  Recommended books:

                                                             i.      A beginner’s guide to blood cells by Barbera J Bain, 2nd edition

                                                           ii.      Colour atlas of hematology –Practical, microscopic and clinical diagnosis by Herald Theml

                                                        iii.      Wintrobe’s clinical haematology

d.                 Periodicals, Websites,..etc:

1.     Pathology

2.     Histopathology

3.     Human Pathology

4.     Pathology and Pathobiology

5.     Journal of Clinical Pathology

6.     Analytical Cellular Pathology

7.     Annals of Diagnostic Pathology

8.     Experimental and Molecular Pathology

9.     Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology


7.       Facilities required for teaching and learning:  Multimedia, availability of Text and recommended books, online access to the journals







































The course is taught to the M. Phil Haematology and M. Phil Histopathology students. The overall aim of the course is to furnish the students with the core scientific knowledge of general pathology of disease, and the controversies in the field.

Intended Learning outcomes:

After completion of this course the students of MPhil leading to PhD program will be able to:

1.       Discuss the basic principles of cellular responses to toxic stimuli

2.       Discuss the mechanisms of cell injury

3.       Discuss in detail the principles of apoptosis

4.       Describe briefly intracellular accumulation and pathologic calcification

5.       Trace the process of acute inflammation

6.       Discuss the process of leukocyte migration

7.       List the mediators of inflammation and briefly describe their role

8.       Discuss briefly the morphologic patterns of acute inflammation

9.       Discuss the principles and process of chronic inflammation

10.   Discuss in brief Granulomatous inflammation

11.   Discuss in brief the systemic effects and consequences of inflammation

12.   Discuss the processes involved in normal cellular proliferation and tissue growth

13.   Explain the term stem cells and describe the different types of stem cells. Discuss the controversies surrounding stem cell research

14.   Discuss in detail cell cycle. Explain how abnormal cell cycle relates to disease

15.   Discuss the mechanisms of tissue regeneration

16.   Discus the extracellular matrix and cell matrix interactions and their role in normal homeostasis and disease

17.   Discuss the mechanism of wound healing by repair, scar formation and fibrosis

18.   Discuss the etiology and pathogenesis of different types of edema.

19.   Discuss morphologic features of haemorrhage. Compare and contrast hyperemia and congestion

20.   Discuss the process of normal homeostasis. List the pro-thrombotic and anti-thrombotic factors.

21.   Trace the process of coagulation. Explain disseminated intravascular coagulation

22.   Discuss the processes involved in thrombosis and embolism

23.   Briefly discuss infarction. Discuss the role of biomarkers in diagnosis of infarction. Discuss the sensitivity and specificity of biomarkers and why sensitivity and specificity of tests is clinically significant.

24.   Briefly describe shock

25.   Describe the main features of the human genetic architecture

26.   Describe genetic mutations. List the various types of mutations. Explain how genetic mutations can lead to a particular clinical phenotype with examples

27.   Discuss the Mendelian pattern of inheritance and single gene disorders. Discuss the basic principles of single gene disorders (Proteins, enzymes)

28.   Discuss the normal immune response of the body

29.   Discuss the Human Leukocyte Antigen system

30.   Discuss the basic principles of hypersensitivity reaction

31.   Discuss the basic principles of autoimmune disorders

32.   Discuss the principles of transplant rejection

33.   Discuss the basic principles of immunodeficiency disorders. Classify immunodeficiency disorders

34.   Describe the classification of neoplasia

35.   Discuss the process of oncogenesis

36.   Molecular basis of cancer

37.   Describe carcinogens and discuss their cellular interactions

38.   Discuss the role of immune system in protection from cancers

39.   Discuss the clinical aspects of neoplasia

40.   Discuss in detail the principles of apoptosis

b.                  General and transferable skills

After completion of this course, the students of MPhil leading to PhD program will be able to:

i.                    Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation

ii.                  Use Microsoft Word for writing assignments

iii.                Use Endnote/Reference Manager to cite published literature

iv.                 Be able to explain disease system to scientific and non-scientific audience

Course breakdown:

Learning outcome (LO)


Time (Hours)

Mode of teaching

Assessment of LOs

Discuss the basic principles of cellular responses to toxic stimuli

1.       Types of toxic stimuli

2.       Cellular responses

-       Hypertrophy

-       Hyperplasia

-       Atrophy

-       Metaplasia

-       Dysplasia

3.       Differentiate between reversible and irreversible cell injury


1 hours


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the mechanisms of cell injury


1.       ATP depletion

2.       Mitochondrial damage

3.       Loss of Ca++ homeostasis

4.       Accumulation of reactive oxygen species

5.       Defects in membrane permeability

6.       Damage to DNA and proteins

7.       Examples of cell injury and necrosis

-Ischemic cell injury

-Ischemia-reperfusion injury

-Chemical (toxic injury)

2 hours


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss in detail the principles of apoptosis

1.       Overview of apoptosis

2.       Causes of apoptosis

3.       Apoptosis in pathologic conditions

4.       Morphologic and biochemical changes in apoptosis

5.       Mechanism of apoptosis

6.       Apoptosis in health and disease


2 hours

Lecture + presentation

MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Describe briefly intracellular accumulation and pathologic calcification

1.       Intracellular accumulation


-Cholesterol and cholesterol esters




2. Calcifications

-Dystrophic calcification

-Metastatic calcification


1 hour


MCQ, EMQ, essay questions

Trace the process of acute inflammation

1.       Causes of acute inflammation

2.       Vascular changes


-Vasodilation and capillary permeability

3.       Leukocyte changes

-Leukocyte recruitment

-Leukocyte induced damage

3. Outcomes of acute inflammation


2 hours


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the process of leukocyte migration

1.       Steps of leukocyte migration

-Leukocyte recruitment

-Leukocyte adhesion


-extravascular chemotaxis


1 hour


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

List the mediators of inflammation and briefly describe their role

1.       Cell derived

2.       Plasma derived

1 hour


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss briefly the morphologic patterns of acute inflammation

1.       Serous inflammation

2.       Fibrinous inflammation

3.       Suppurative inflammation

4.       Ulcers


1 hour


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the principles and process of chronic inflammation


1.       Causes of chronic inflammation

2.       Morphologic features of chronic inflammation

3.       Acute-chronic inflammation relationship

4.       Cells of the chronic inflammation



-Plasma cells


-Mast cells

2 hours

Lecture + assignment

MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss in brief Granulomatous inflammation

1.       Causative factors of granulomatous inflammation

2.       Morphologic features of granulomatous inflammation

3.       Cells involved in granulomatous inflammation


1 hour


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss in brief the systemic effects and consequences of inflammation

1.       Systemic effects of acute inflammation

2.       Systemic effects of chronic inflammation

3.       Consequences of inflammation

-Consequences of acute inflammation

-Consequences of chronic inflammation

-Consequences of defective or excessive inflammation

1 hour


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the processes involved in normal cellular proliferation and tissue growth


1.       Normal cell homeostasis

2.       Control of normal cell proliferation and tissue growth

2 hours


MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Explain the term stem cells and describe the different types of stem cells. Discuss the controversies surrounding stem cell research

1.       Features of stem cells

2.       Embryonic stem cells

3.       Adult stem cells

4.       Induced pluoripotent stem cells

5.       Principles of cloning

3 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss in detail cell cycle. Explain how abnormal cell cycle relates to disease

1.       Cell cycle and regulation of growth factors

2.       Brief overview of the growth factors

3.       Signalling mechanism in cell growth

4.       Classification of cell receptors

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the mechanisms of tissue regeneration

1.       Overview of regeneration process

2.       Liver regeneration

1 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discus the extracellular matrix and cell matrix interactions and their role in normal homeostasis and disease

1.       Composition of extracellular matrix

2.       Fibres of the matrix

3.       Cell adhesion molecules

4.       GAGs

5.       Role of cell interaction in disease (eg cancer metastasis)


1 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the mechanism of wound healing by repair, scar formation and fibrosis

1.       Overview of healing

2.       Mechanisms of angiogenesis

3.       Cutaneous wound healing

4.       Local and systemic factors affecting wound healing

5.       Pathologic aspects of repair

6.       Fibrosis

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the etiology and pathogenesis of different types of edema.

1.       Edema overview

2.       Causes of edema

3.       Pathogenesis of edema

4.       Types of edema and their significance

5.       Hyperemia and congestion

1 hour



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss morphologic features of haemorrhage. Compare and contrast hyperemia and congestion

1.       Haemorrhage

2.       Hyperemia

3.       Congestion

1 Hour



MCQ, EMQ, essay questions

Discuss the process of normal homeostasis. List the pro-thrombotic and anti-thrombotic factors.

1.       Normal homeostasis

2.       Endothelium

-antithrombotic properties

-prothrombotic properties

3. Plateletes

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Trace the process of coagulation. Explain disseminated intravascular coagulation

1.       Coagulation cascade

2.       Disseminated intravascular coagulation

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the processes involved in thrombosis and embolism

1.       Thrombosis

2.       Embolism

1 hour



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Briefly discuss infarction. Discuss the role of biomarkers in diagnosis of infarction. Discuss the sensitivity and specificity of biomarkers and why sensitivity and specificity of tests is clinically significant.

1.       Overview of infarction and necrosis

2.       Biomarkers of infarction





MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Briefly describe shock

1.       Shock overview

2.       Types of shock

3.       Clinical features associated with shock syndromes

1 hour



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Describe the main features of the human genetic architecture

1.       Human genetic architecture

-       The genome

-       Genes, exons, introns

-       Single nucleotide variants

-       The human genome project

1 hour



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Describe genetic mutations. List the various types of mutations. Explain how genetic mutations can lead to a particular clinical phenotype with examples

1.       Genetic mutations

2.       Types of genetic mutations

3.       Genotype-phenotype relationship

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the Mendelian pattern of inheritance and single gene disorders. Discuss the basic principles of single gene disorders (Proteins, enzymes)

1.       Mendelian disorders

2.       Transmission of single gene disorders

3.       Common disorders according to classification

-       Disorders associated with defects in structural proteins

-       Disorders of enzymes

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the normal immune response of the body

1.       Composition of the immune system

2.       Innate immunity

3.       Adaptive immunity

4.       Cells of the immune system

-Lymphocytes (B, T and NK)


5. Organs of the lymphoid system

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the Human Leukocyte Antigen system

1.       HLA molecules

2.       Transplantation and the HLA system

1 hour



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the basic principles of hypersensitivity reaction

1.       Mechanism of hypersensitivity reactions

2.       Types of hypersensitivity reactions

3.       Mediators of hypersensitivity

4.       Local and systemic hypersensitivity

5.       Mechanism of tissue injury in hypersensitivity

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the basic principles of autoimmune disorders

1.       General principles of autoimmune diseases

2.       Immunological tolerance

3.       Mechanisms of tissue injury in autoimmune diseases

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the principles of transplant rejection

1.       Mechanisms of recognition and rejection of allografts

-       T-cell mediated reaction

-       Antibody mediated reaction

-       Methods of increasing graft survival

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the basic principles of immunodeficiency disorders. Classify immunodeficiency disorders

1.       Immunodeficiency disorders overview

2.       Primary and secondary immunodeficiency

3.       Mechanisms of tissue injury, morbidity and mortality in immunodeficiency disorders

1 hour



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Describe the classification of neoplasia

1.       Nomenclature

2.       Characteristics of benign and malignant neoplasia

1 hour



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the process of oncogenesis

1.       Genetic mutations and oncogenesis

2.       Multi-hit hypothesis

3.       Tumour cell heterogeneity

4.       Cancer stem cells

5.       Preleukaemia and in-utero acquisition of leukaemia

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Molecular basis of cancer

1.       Essential features of malignant cancer cells

-self sufficiency

-Insensitivity to growth inhibition

-Evasion of apoptosis

-Limitless replicative potential

-Sustained angiogenesis

-Ability to invade and metastasise

-Defects in DNA repair

2. Oncogenes



3. Tumour suppressor genes


3 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Describe carcinogens and discuss their cellular interactions

1.       Chemical carcinogenesis

2.       Radiation carcinogenesis

3.       Microbial carcinogenesis

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the role of immune system in protection from cancers

1.       Tumour immunity

2.       Tumour antigens

3.       Antitumour effector mechanisms

4.       Immune surveillance and escape

2 hours



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Discuss the clinical aspects of neoplasia

1.       Local and hormonal effects

2.       Cancer cachexia

3.       Paraneoplastic syndromes

4.       Grading and staging

5.       Laboratory diagnosis of cancer

1 hour



MCQ, SEQ, essay questions

Overall aims of course

The overall aim of the course is to furnish the students with the core scientific knowledge of red blood cells, erythropoiesis and red cell disorders, and the controversies in the field.

        Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs)

        Knowledge and understanding:

After completion of this course the students of MPhil leading to PhD program will be able to:

1.       Discuss the basic principles of haemopoiesis. Discuss in detail the process of erythropoiesis

2.       Trace the processes of Iron absorption, storage and transport

3.       Discuss in detail the causes, pathology and treatment options in iron deficiency anaemia

4.       Discuss briefly the disorders of Haeme synthesis

5.       Discuss the pathology and the haematologic manifestation of sideroblastic anaemia

6.       Discuss the causes and pathological consequences of iron overload. Explain the principles of iron chelation therapy

7.       Discuss the causes of megalobastic anaemias. Explain the processes leading to anaemia in Cobalamine and Folic acid deficiencies

8.       Discuss the physiological and biochemical characteristics of haemoglobin molecule. Discuss the genetic basis of thalassaemia syndromes. Classify disorders of haemoglobin synthesis

9.       Discuss the genetic and molecular basis of sickle cell disease. Describe the clinical outcome of sickle cell anaemia

10.   Classify hereditary disorders of red cell membrane. Discuss the structural and biochemical features of the red cell membrane. Explain the process of haemolysis in red cell membrane disorders


Intellectual skills

After completion of this course the students of MPhil leading to PhD program will be able to:

                    i.                        Identify normal and the various types of abnormal red blood cells in a peripheral blood smear

                  ii.                        Identify the maturing erythroid cells in a bone marrow smear

                iii.                        Interpret the findings of normal and abnormal parameters on haematology analyser report for different ages and sexes

                 iv.                        Discriminate between thalassaemia trait and iron deficiency from haematology analyser reports

                   v.                        Interpret osmotic fragility tests

                 vi.                        Interpret bone marrow smear stained with iron stain

               vii.                        Interpret peripheral blood and bone marrow smears with megaloblasts

             viii.                        Interpret reticulocyte count

               Professional and Practical Skills

After completion of this course the students of MPhil leading to PhD program will be able to:

i.                 Sample blood from a peripheral vain and transfer to EDTA/Gel tubes

ii.               Separate plasma from haematocrit

iii.             Prepare peripheral blood smear from blood taken in EDTA tubes/ thumb prick

iv.             Perform Giemsa staining on peripheral blood smear slides

v.               Set up, calibrate and focus a compound microscope

vi.             Set up and calibrate a haematology analyser

General and transferable skills

After completion of this course, the students of MPhil leading to PhD program will be able to:

i.                    Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation

ii.                  Use Microsoft Word for writing assignments

iii.                Use Endnote/Reference Manager to cite published literature

iv.                Be able to explain disease system to scientific and non-scientific audience