The nervous system is the main system to communicate and coordinate body activities by sending electrical impulses. Nervous system forms a communication network in whole body. The neurobiology comprises a vast, multidisciplinary field aimed at understanding normal and pathological brain functions. It is this multidisciplinary character that makes the neurobiology so very interesting and challenging. To be able to plan experiments, collect, interpret and analyse data in this field and to get an idea of how the brain really functions, you need to know how to combine information from the different disciplines. Such a common action as seeing provides a clear example of the complexity of neuroscience: when you see something familiar many different things occur in your brain – cognition, since you recognise it; plasticity of neurons, since you remember; signal transduction, what you see has to be "translated"; behaviour, you act on what you see.
1.1 Cognitive domain:
By the end of this module, students should be able to
1. Discuss the various morphological and functional components of the nervous system
2. Describe the regional specialization within the brain
3. Discuss the differentiating features of central and peripheral nervous system
4. Discuss that neurons use energy to maintain their electrical potential gradient and that neurons fire through the generation of action potentials which perturb these gradients
5. Discuss that nerve cells communicate with each other via neurotransmission
6. Describe that the nervous system is a type of complex information processing device
7. Comprehend that the stimulation, transduction, transmission, and interpretation are necessary for neurosensory
8. Describe the fact that the function of nervous system can be studied via dysfunction
9. Membrane potential, mechanism of action of nerves and muscles
10. Possess the knowledge of autonomic nervous system
1.2 Psychomotor Domain
11. Develop skills for practical handling of animals for research
12. Develop the skills regarding investigations and tests on humans participating in research
13. Perform animal handling training
14. Prepare an animal model for research
1.3 Affective Domain:
1. Manage time and courses to submit assignments on time
2. Apply principles of professional conduct in paper submission (plagiarism)
3. Demonstrate professional behavior by completing all course requirements, including course evaluations, in a timely manner.
4. Demonstrate responsibility and accountability by attending and being punctual at all required course activities such as laboratory sessions, workshops and exams.
5. Demonstrate professional behavior by requesting any excused absence from required course activities well ahead of the scheduled date.
6. Demonstrate professional behavior by responding to direct communication from the course faculty in a timely fashion, particularly in circumstances when a face-to face meeting is requested to discuss issues related to academic performance.
7. Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior by honestly completing course examinations without attempting to seek an advantage by unfair means; and by reporting any unethical behavior of peers to the course administration.
1.4 Research:
1. Critically analyse research articles and develop a literature review.
2. Present their critique as Poster presentation in Bi-annual Research Day
- Teacher: Syed Hamid Habib
- Teacher: Dr Zilli Huma
- Teacher: Habiba Rashid
- Teacher: Najeeb Wazir