Tel Exchange: 091 9217703

Useful Links

1. Admissions

2. Career Services

The Career Development Center (CDC) provides resources and services to assist individuals to explore academic, career and training options. CDC empowers people to develop and implement a plan to achieve their academic and professional goals.

3. Digital Library

4. Car Stickers

To facilitate your entry into the KMU campus, the AKmUA office issues Alumni Car Stickers. Kindly note that the sticker cannot be given to the vehicles of friends/relatives. AKmUA Office will issue one car sticker for one alumni card.

Email the following documents to and

  • Copy of the Alumni card
  • Copy of the front page of the registration book
  • If the car bears the company name, then the letter from the company issued in the name of the user
  • Copy of CNIC of parent/wife/husband, if the vehicle belongs to any of the mentioned relations
  • Updated cell number

5. AKmUA Card

Your AKmUA Card is your passport to the exclusive benefits entailed by the card. The Card, moreover, identifies you as a proud member of theKMU alumni community.

  • The IAA Card is your means of identification when you come back to KMU.
  • The card also gives membership benefits to alumni such as discounts
  • The Alumni Card also allows other benefits like 30% discount on renting out KMU facilities like Auditorium, Training halls, Incubation Nests, Guest house (subject to availability).
  • It provides access to the KMU library and Medline services as well.

6. Contact Us

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